Quotation Explorer - 'Britney Spears'

I don't like to sit around and judge others as I don't like to be judged myself. - Britney Spears
I would like to be called an inspiration to people, not a role model--because I make mistakes like everybody else. When I'm offstage, I'm just like everybody else. - Britney Spears
I still have a lot to learn - about the business, about music, and about myself. Its exciting. - Britney Spears
Onstage I'm the happiest person in the world. - Britney Spears
My prerogative right now is to just chill and let all the other overexposed blondes on the cover of Us Weekly (magazine) be your entertainment. - Britney Spears
I Know not everyone will like me, but this is who I am So if you don't like it, Tough! - Britney Spears
Every night, I have to read a book, so that my mind will stop thinking about things that I stress about. - Britney Spears
With love, you should go ahead and take the risk of getting hurt... because love is an amazing feeling. - Britney Spears
I don't think anyone can give you advice when you've got a broken heart. - Britney Spears
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